Thursday, August 28, 2008

Turning 50 And The Twinorbs Trilogy

Well I eventually brewed the Twinorbs Trilogy for my 50th which was in August. I had 6 cases of quarts (750ml) 2 of Mild Ale, 2 of Bitter and 2 Dry Stouts. I didn't think that more than 2 cases would be drunk (this is pretty much Brandy and Coke country) and I was right, by the end of the night 25 quart bottles had been consumed ! Ah well leaves plenty for me. The most popular by far was the Mild Ale (my personal favourite as well). All of the beers were slightly underhopped, a result I think of using Pre Isomerised Hops for bittering. I had been told that because they were pre isomerised that I should use about 20% less than normal. With hindsight I think that 10% is a better number. Here are two photo's one of the booze table with my daughter and her boyfriend waiting for a customer and a closeup of the bottles showing the specially made labels.

In addition to the birthday beer I also made a birthday T Shirt. This was a scanned a modifed picture from a birthday card I received last year, here is the logo.