Saturday, September 25, 2010

Brewing Again

You may well be asking why so long since the last post, well the answer is simple, no brewing ! Many reasons for this but the main one is that we are in the middle of a drought in Port Elizabeth and restricted to 500 litres of water per household per day. Whilst this is enough for brewing its a problem for for immersion cooler. I've always used to outflow from the immersion heater either to water the garden or top up the swimming pool. However after chatting to an old friend of mine (who was also my first brewing buddy) who was keen to join me for a brew a plan was made.

He had a submersible pump so we brewed (a light ale) and cooled by using the pump to pump the water from the swimming pool (about 16 deg C) though the coil and back into the pool. It took about an hour to drop the temperature to 22 deg C.

Brew day was great fun and everything went smoothly, so with a full fermenter I'm now off shopping for a submersible pump !

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